In this issue:
  1. The Changing Euro Interest Benchmark Landscape
  2. Brexit and Contract Continuity for Derivatives Markets
  3. New Schuldschein Loan Agreements and User Guide
  4. The 7th CEE Treasury Conference
  5. The ACT Treasury Forum
  6. EACT and IGTA come together in Prague
  7. Upcoming events and training of European treasury associations
The Changing Euro Interest Benchmark Landscape
Major reference interest rates are key to the global financial system.  Given various concerns, banks have become more reluctant to participate voluntarily in benchmark panels and together with declining activity in the underlying market this has undermined confidence in the reliability and robustness of the existing benchmarks.
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Brexit and Contract Continuity for Derivatives Markets

Continuity of contracts in OTC derivatives markets refers to both carrying out contractual obligations under existing transactions and to the ability to carry out lifecycle events associated with such transactions. This could impact a significant stock of legacy derivatives contracts, not all of which will mature before March 2019 (or even before the end of the proposed transition period in December 2020). 

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New Schuldschein Loan Agreements and User Guide
At the end of October 2018, the Loan Market Association (“LMA”) launched for the first-time recommended forms of loan agreements and an updated user guide for Schuldschein transactions. While Schuldschein loans have been in existence for many years in Germany, they have seen in the past years a significantly increasing interest, both domestically and internationally.
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The 7th CEE Treasury Conference - Oct 2018
Austrian and Romanian treasurers have participated for the first time at the Budapest Conference of Central and East European Treasurers hosted by the Hungarian Treasury Club for the seventh time on 18-20 October 2018. 
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The ACT Treasury Forum - Nov 2018
Powered by HSBC, it has been an exclusive invitation-only event run the 14 November, on the afternoon of the ACT Annual Dinner for several years. Context of course is everything. A contemporary treasurer needs an understanding of a full range of issues such as business strategy, geo-politics, technology (and not solely in a narrow treasury sense) and regulation. All that on top of the day job, the operational demands of today’s treasury responsibilities.
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EACT and IGTA come together in Prague - Sept 2018
For the third straight year, EACT and IGTA (International Group of Treasury Associations) held joint meetings in the Czech capital on September 14 and 15, 2018. Three meetings took place over the weekend: the European association's semiannual Board of Directors' meeting, a joint EACT – IGTA meeting and the Annual General Meeting of the international association.
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Upcoming events and training of the
European treasury associations

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