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In this issue:
  1. European Parliament elections deliver a fractured political centre
  2. 'The Trojan War will not happen'
  3. From 'Pen Friendship' to 'Online Dating': Account management in transition
  4. Helmut Schnabel re-elected Chair of IGTA
We hope you enjoy the latest edition of the EACT Newsletter.

Please be sure to visit the EACT website and follow the EACT LinkedIn page for the very latest member association news and treasury insight.

Jean-Marc Servat
Chair, EACT
European Parliament elections deliver a fractured political centre
Citizens across Europe elected a new European Parliament (EP) at the end of May with an unprecedented number of new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) having assumed office in the past weeks. For the first time, the big centre-left (S&D) and centre-right (EPP) blocs no longer have a working majority between the two of them.
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"The Trojan War will not happen"

What if the trade war between China and the United States of America turned into a cold war? Should we be concerned about the rise of China power or simply see it as a natural, peaceful and inevitable evolution or a change that is part of the history and a matter of time? 

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From "pen friendship" to "online dating": Account management in transition

The first symposium of the association of German Treasurer e.V. in 2019 took place on 9 April in Düsseldorf. Almost 100 members gathered at the DUS conference Centre to discuss bank account management.

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Helmut Schnabel re-elected Chair of IGTA
After holding its last three Annual General Meetings in Europe, members of the International Group of Treasury Associations (IGTA) met in New York. IGTA's 2019 meeting was held on 31 May following the annual conference of the National Association of Corporate Treasurers (NACT).
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