About Us
The European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) is a not-for-profit organisation bringing together as its members national treasury and finance professional associations (NTAs) in Europe.
In 2002, the founding members of the EACT were the following NTAs: AFTE, ASSET, ATEB, ATEL, DACT, IACT and VDT.
In 2023, the EACT gathers 23 NTAs from 19 European Union countries plus Switzerland and the United Kingdom. They bring together about 14,000 members representing 6,500 groups/companies.
Find out why the EACT is 'The Voice of Corporate Treasurers in Europe' (PDF) >
The EACT mission is to:
- Promote the treasury profession in terms of what this means for individual treasurers and also in terms of the external perception of the value and role of the treasury profession;
- Support wherever realistic and possible the professional development of treasurers in the NTAs, such as by knowledge sharing, access to training and encouragement of treasury qualifications, career support, providing networking opportunities and celebrating professional achievements;
- Advocate and in general seek to influence regulatory and other initiatives within the European Union and internationally, wherever these initiatives impact how treasurers can operate to reduce financial risks, add value or address their responsibilities.
The EACT’s objectives include:
- Develop and strengthen relationships with European bodies;
- Develop and strengthen relationships with other International bodies impacting treasury and finance;
- Share views and undertake joint action in response to issues in treasury and corporate finance as well as in relationships with financial partners;
- Seek to influence regulatory and other initiatives within the European Union and internationally;
- Develop coordination and cooperation between its members;
- Promote and raise the profile of the treasury profession by organising working groups, workshops and conferences;
- Support the professional development of treasurers in the NTAs;
- Undertake joint research.


Deputy Chair

Deputy Chair



ÖPWZ - Forum Finanzen

Austrian Corporate Treasury Association

Association des Trésoriers d'Entreprise en Belgique

Croatian Association of Corporate Treasurers

Ceska Asociace Treasury

Finnish Association of Corporate Treasurers

Association Française des Trésoriers d'Entreprise

Association of Chief Financial Officers Germany

German Association of Corporate Treasurers

Hellenic Association of Treasurers

Hungarian Treasury Club

Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers

Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d' Impresa

Luxembourg Association of Corporate Treasurers

Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers

Polish Corporate Treasurers Association
The Association of Treasurers of Romania

Slovenská Asociácia Financníkov

Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Association

Asociación Española de Financieros y Tesoreros de Empresa

Swedish Association for Corporate Treasurers

Swiss Treasury Association
The Association of Corporate Treasurers
Pierre Poncet
François Masquelier
François Masquelier (2002 - 2004)
Pierre Poncet (2004 - 2007)
Olivier Brissaud (2007 - 2008)
Richard Raeburn (2008 - 2015)
Jean-Marc Servat (2015 - 2021)