
26 Jun 2024
Through the Looking Glass: An Insight into the Loan Market Association

Photo from Through the Looking Glass: An Insight into the Loan Market Association

Discover what the Loan Market Association (LMA) does, its purpose, how they produce their forms of documentation and how they interact with borrowers.

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13 Jun 2024
What Will the Bank of the Future Look Like?

Photo from What Will the Bank of the Future Look Like?

Here are some key aspects of what the bank of the future might look like.

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02 Feb 2024
The LEI: Unlocking the Benefits of a Secure Payments Ecosystem for Corporate Treasurers

Photo from The LEI: Unlocking the Benefits of a Secure Payments Ecosystem for Corporate Treasurers

The EACT has been advocating for a digital identity for Corporates for many years now. We believe that, Corporates, like individuals, must have a single identity which help them to identify itself and identify third parties as well in this digital era.

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02 Feb 2024
LkSG Relevant for Treasury on a Case-by-case Basis

Photo from LkSG Relevant for Treasury on a Case-by-case Basis

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) creates the legal framework to improve the protection of the environment and human rights along German supply chains. GACT spoke to Dr. Julia Sitter (White & Case LLP) about the relevance and need for action by treasury departments.

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01 Feb 2024
CMU, The Come-Back!

Photo from CMU, The Come-Back!

The Capital Market Union, which was one of the main objectives of the Vander Leyen Commission, is back in the limelight, and is likely to become a priority for the next Commission next summer.

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01 Feb 2024
What Will be the Corporate Treasurer's Priorities for 2024?

Photo from What Will be the Corporate Treasurer's Priorities for 2024?

General insights into the common priorities of corporate treasurers that will still be relevant in 2024.

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01 Feb 2024
Counterparty Risk Assessment by Treasurers

Photo from Counterparty Risk Assessment by Treasurers

François Masquelier lists some comprehensive steps to best assess counterparty risks.

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01 Feb 2024
20 years of the Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Association

The Slovenian Corporate Treasures Association (SCTA) is delighted to introduce Erna Slana as the new President of the Association.

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05 Dec 2023
A Whistlestop Tour of DACT’s Autumn Events

Photo from A Whistlestop Tour of DACT’s Autumn Events

These three events highlighted different facets of treasury, emphasizing expertise and empowering future leaders and women in finance. These gatherings showcase DACT’s commitment to mentorship and knowledge-sharing, treasury innovation and professional excellence in finance.

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05 Dec 2023
Does Inflation Tapeworm Make MNC’s More Vulnerable to Shocks?

Photo from Does Inflation Tapeworm Make MNC’s More Vulnerable to Shocks?

Inflation represents a cost of capital crisis, but also a cost of investment crisis, challenging companies C-level to find new ways to survive.

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05 Dec 2023
What's in Store for PSD3?

Photo from What's in Store for PSD3?

This article identifies the key focuses of the Payment Services Directive that are directly impacting corporate treasury centers.

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05 Dec 2023
GACT Treasury Day 2023

Photo from GACT Treasury Day 2023

Almost 160 members took part in the GACT Treasury Day on 8 November 2023 in Frankfurt

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05 Jul 2023
The Move from IBORs to Risk-free Rates – Where are we Now?

Photo from The Move from IBORs to Risk-free Rates – Where are we Now?

This article sets out where transition is from IBOR to risk-free rates across various currencies, what corporate treasurers need to watch out for, and what they need to be doing.

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04 Jul 2023
Bank Collapses Prompted Liquidity Rethink

Photo from Bank Collapses Prompted Liquidity Rethink

How can I better manage counterparty risk? And what are the alternatives to better mitigate my risk? These are the existential questions that treasurers are entitled to ask themselves.

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04 Jul 2023
FX Mambo Number 5

Photo from FX Mambo Number 5

In the latest EACT survey of corporate treasurers, market risk, including of course FX risk and commodity risk, was found to be the number five priority of European multinational companies.

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03 Jul 2023
What are the Priorities for Corporate Treasurers in 2023?

Photo from What are the Priorities for Corporate Treasurers in 2023?

In 2023, corporate treasurers are likely to focus on several key priorities to effectively manage their organization's financial operations and mitigate risks.

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24 May 2023
German Treasurers Face a Long To-Do List

Photo from German Treasurers Face a Long To-Do List

A banking crisis, Basel IV, sanctions, and ESG: German treasurers have a number of weighty topics on their agenda this year.

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24 May 2023
The Journey to the Capital Market is Far From Easy

Photo from The Journey to the Capital Market is Far From Easy

Treasurers should not underestimate the expected impact of Basel IV regulation, warns Verband Deutscher Treasurer (VDT)

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03 May 2023
EACT Treasury Survey 2023

Photo from EACT Treasury Survey 2023

The 2023 EACT survey, which brought together 250 answers from group treasurers from European multinationals, attempts to detect treasury trends and priorities for multinational companies over the coming 12 to 24 months.

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06 Apr 2023
Mitigating Online Payment Fraud for Corporate Treasurers

Photo from Mitigating Online Payment Fraud for Corporate Treasurers

As technology develops, there has been a proportionate increase in online and technology-enabled fraud. Digitalization has allowed fraud to become “industrialized”.

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21 Mar 2023
The Noose is Tightening around the Financing of Companies

Photo from The Noose is Tightening around the Financing of Companies

In a context of rising interest rates, bankers are becoming (too) cautious. What can we hope or fear in such a delicate and uncertain climate are the questions we intend to answer.

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21 Mar 2023
How to Maximise the Risk-return Ratio with Short-term Investments

Photo from How to Maximise the Risk-return Ratio with Short-term Investments

It is important to remember the advantages and disadvantages of the different products available to treasurers, keeping in mind the notion of "cash & cash equivalent".

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20 Feb 2023
Fear and Anxiety: How to Overcome the ‘Useless’ Varieties

Photo from Fear and Anxiety: How to Overcome the ‘Useless’ Varieties

Often the biggest blockers to our success, when we analyse fear and anxiety we realise how nonsensical they are – though very hard it seems to do anything about. Or is it?

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20 Feb 2023
Caught in the Middle?

Photo from Caught in the Middle?

Exec and non-exec boards can be great places for learning, sharing and building something together with peers. Often the Treasurer is presenting to these groups, but sometimes it can be challenging in terms of dynamics. If caught up in that ‘traditional’, aggressive corporate boardroom, what can you do?

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16 Feb 2023
How to Stop the Lagging Slovak Economy

Photo from How to Stop the Lagging Slovak Economy

A series of panels organised by SAF in recent years have acted as a platform to discuss the economic ambitions of Slovakia, and identify the key indicators hindering the country's economy growth.

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14 Feb 2023
Crisis? What Crisis?

Photo from Crisis? What Crisis?

The slowdown in growth has brought with it unprecedented global inflation, causing a tightening of financial conditions and reducing the appetite for risk on the part of traditional financiers. A very complicated future scenario is expected due to the high uncertainty that leads one to think of a possible economic recession.

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02 Feb 2023
EMIR or the Echternach Procession

Photo from EMIR or the Echternach Procession

To change EMIR refit would be to take three steps backwards after having taken three steps forwards. Let's not be fooled by good idea at first sight.

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02 Feb 2023
Instant Payments EU Proposal – What Should we Recommend?

Photo from Instant Payments EU Proposal – What Should we Recommend?

European treasurers are concerned by the PSD2 review, as well as by the regulations on instant payments. We believe that it is necessary to promote any means to verify that the holder of a beneficiary account is the one to whom this account belongs.

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30 Jan 2023
ACT Annual Dinner 2023

Photo from ACT Annual Dinner 2023

1300 people from across the treasury community gathered to enjoy an evening of community and fundraising.

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16 Dec 2022
25th Anniversary of the Association of German Corporate Treasurers

Photo from 25th Anniversary of the Association of German Corporate Treasurers

At the end of October around 260 members and guests joined in the Palmengarten in Frankfurt to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the VDT.

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16 Dec 2022
AFTE – 2022 Annual Conference: The Expanding World of Treasurers

Photo from AFTE – 2022 Annual Conference: The Expanding World of Treasurers

AFTE held its annual conference on 15-16 November 2022 at the Palais Brongniart, the former stock exchange building in the heart of Paris.

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26 Oct 2022
Opening New Perspectives: HAT's 2nd International Treasury Summit

Photo from Opening New Perspectives: HAT's 2nd International Treasury Summit

Presenting the highlights of the 2nd annual International Treasury Summit hosted by the Hellenic Association of Treasurers in Athens.

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09 Sep 2022
The ACT Returns to Singapore!

Photo from The ACT Returns to Singapore!

As you read this, we will have already been back to Singapore, where we again, as in pre-COVID times, are running some ACT corporate treasury sessions as part of the Global Trade Review Conference 6-7 September. We can’t wait to be back and see our old friends, as well as some new (hopefully!).

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09 Sep 2022
Evangelization of Treasury Functions

Photo from Evangelization of Treasury Functions

It seems that the evangelization of corporate treasury is necessary and that it is necessary to preach the "good word" because the function has lost its aura and its power of attraction over the last few years, while the function has evolved incredibly.

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09 Sep 2022
New Wave of Financial Regulations, Threats, or Opportunities Behind?

Photo from New Wave of Financial Regulations, Threats, or Opportunities Behind?

No one can dispute that we have entered a phase of new or revised financial regulations. EACT has identified 15 that will have a major potential impact on the life of corporate treasurers.

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14 Jul 2022
Treasurer's Energy

Photo from Treasurer's Energy

More than 150 treasurers from major Polish and international companies, along with numerous PCTA Partners from banks and financial companies, participated in a two-day treasury conference with the motto: "the treasurer's energy."

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14 Jul 2022
DEBRA, Next Big Tax Reform in Europe?

Photo from DEBRA, Next Big Tax Reform in Europe?

It is a new proposal from the EU that could have significant impacts to consider, although its objectives are laudable and logical. However, DEBRA could cause nightmares for tax managers and corporate treasurers.

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14 Jul 2022
Impacts of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine on the Management of Energy Hedges on Organized Markets

Photo from Impacts of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine on the Management of Energy Hedges on Organized Markets

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to persist, global commodity markets and energy prices continue to fluctuate based on a significant volatility, imposing a very high pressure on the cash exposures of the treasurers.

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24 Jun 2022
Mercury Rising: Taking the Temperature of European Corporate Treasurers

Photo from Mercury Rising: Taking the Temperature of European Corporate Treasurers

According to this year’s responses to the EACT’s annual pan-European survey, the pandemic has not changed the top priorities of corporate treasurers. Instead, it has crystallised the need for increased digitisation.

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23 May 2022
Is the Dollar Still King or is it a Race Towards a Post-USD World?

Photo from Is the Dollar Still King or is it a Race Towards a Post-USD World?

As we emerge from a major and unprecedented health crisis and enter a phase of war in Europe, we must take stock. A post-dollar race may be underway.

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23 May 2022
Juggling Liquidity

Photo from Juggling Liquidity

The market has been flooded with liquidity due to that government support. The reality is that huge amounts of liquidity have entered the system since mid-2020. These alternative sources are patiently waiting for their market moment.

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23 May 2022
VDT Risk Day: How a Genius At Work in his Garage Transformed the Business World

Photo from VDT Risk Day: How a Genius At Work in his Garage Transformed the Business World

The VDT Risk Day is offering its members a face-to-face event that fulfils the VDT's objectives: depth discussions on content as well as intensive networking.

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23 May 2022
The Transposition of the Basel III Rules into European Law

Photo from The Transposition of the Basel III Rules into European Law

The European Commission (EC) is planning to transpose into European law the agreements adopted by the Basel Committee (i.e., Basel III – B3) dating from December 2017. Some measures raise concerns for banks and their corporate clients.

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16 Mar 2022
Treasury First – 20 Years of the EACT

As the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) celebrates its 20th anniversary during 2022, it is an appropriate moment to reflect upon its journey from being a group of professionals largely concerned with their own national concerns, to the visionary, receptive, and respected organisation it is today.

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10 Feb 2022
Live Events are Back at the ACT

Photo from Live Events are Back at the ACT

Hear details of the ACT's latest live events, which have continued to facilitate professional development and networking with friends and peers.

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10 Feb 2022
ACTA Celebrates Fourth Anniversary in the Eastern Alps

Photo from ACTA Celebrates Fourth Anniversary in the Eastern Alps

On 21 October 2021, the fourth ACTA AGM was held ‘live’ at the Andaz Hotel, Vienna.

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10 Feb 2022
Putting Principles Before Profit – ESG Shifts the Baselines

Photo from Putting Principles Before Profit – ESG Shifts the Baselines

Have we reached a breaking point – or a tipping point on this emotive subject?

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09 Feb 2022
Review of EMIR thresholds by ESMA

Photo from Review of EMIR thresholds by ESMA

ESMA has recently decided to review the thresholds fixed for each asset class for EMIR obligations of collateralization.

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09 Feb 2022
Trusting Yourself, Exercising Patience, and Expressing Gratitude for What You Have

Photo from Trusting Yourself, Exercising Patience, and Expressing Gratitude for What You Have

Caroline Stockmann (ACT) reflects on the principles raised in a recent ACT blog, which considered how a mindful attitude can assist you in achieving your goals.

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24 Nov 2021
Gathering Creates an ‘Avalanche of Green Questions’

Photo from Gathering Creates an ‘Avalanche of Green Questions’

The Polish Corporate Treasurers Association (PCTA) held its 28th annual meeting in October in Józefów, near Warsaw, which focused on ‘green trends in financing’.

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24 Nov 2021
Transitory vs. Permanent: The Return of Inflation

Photo from Transitory vs. Permanent: The Return of Inflation

Within a couple of months CPI forecasts have more than doubled and year-on-year price increases are now beyond 6 percent in the US, and 4.5 percent in Germany (beyond 4 percent in the Euro area).

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22 Nov 2021
ACT Wins Big at The Association Excellence Awards 2021

Photo from ACT Wins Big at The Association Excellence Awards 2021

The Association Excellence Awards celebrate and encourage the vital work that associations and industry bodies do for and on behalf of their members to ensure their voices are heard and their causes are championed.

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22 Nov 2021
HAT to Celebrate its First Birthday

Photo from HAT to Celebrate its First Birthday

The vision, mission and ambition for creating a Treasury community dedicated to the Greek Treasury professionals and the foundation of the Hellenic Association of Treasurers.

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22 Nov 2021
VDT Treasury Day and 24th Annual General Meeting

Photo from VDT Treasury Day and 24th Annual General Meeting

Around 150 members gathered in Frankfurt on 28 October 2021 for the first physical Verband Deutscher Treasurer (VDT e.V.) event for almost two years. They met to discuss and exchange ideas, with an exciting agenda and outstanding speakers, during the 24th Annual General Meeting of the VDT.

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22 Nov 2021
CEE Treasury Forum – Bratislava, Slovakia: 14-16 October 2021

Photo from CEE Treasury Forum – Bratislava, Slovakia: 14-16 October 2021

The CEE Treasury Forum of Fall 2021 was hosted by the Slovak Association of Finance and Treasury (SAF). This event was organised in association with eight national treasury associations, all of whom are EACT members.

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22 Nov 2021
AFTE – 2021 Annual Conference: The Treasurer of the “World After”

Photo from AFTE – 2021 Annual Conference: The Treasurer of the “World After”

After a fully digital edition in 2020, this year’s AFTE annual conference was back to a “real-life” physical format at the Palais Brongniart in the heart of Paris – though livestreams were also available for those unable to attend.

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16 Sep 2021
How Blockchain Technology can Control Movement of Liquid Fuels Along Whole Supply Chain

Photo from How Blockchain Technology can Control Movement of Liquid Fuels Along Whole Supply Chain

Effective market surveillance and control of movement of liquid fuels can be a complicated task, especially in terms of quality, quantity and collection of excise duties. Fortunately, rapid development of technology is creating opportunities every day. And this is also the case with blockchain technology, which can be employed to manage these tasks with relative ease.

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16 Sep 2021
Deeper Focus on Treasury

Photo from Deeper Focus on Treasury

One of the most obvious consequences of the financial scandals that have occurred in the past 18 months, although not related to COVID, is that the treasury has become a particular focus of attention.

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16 Sep 2021
The Secrets of Prioritisation

Photo from The Secrets of Prioritisation

Even in a stable environment, we humans are not always efficient, and we are often quite poor at getting our priorities addressed in the order of most to least important.

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16 Sep 2021
Our Role as a Finance Team in the New Normal

Photo from Our Role as a Finance Team in the New Normal

The COVID-19 crisis is having an unprecedented impact on most of corporates and on the main players of the economy as a whole. It is vital that corporates’ treasury functions adapt and understand the new rules of the game if they are to make a reasonably successful exit from this extraordinarily complicated situation that we have found ourselves in.

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16 Sep 2021
Process and Technological Readiness of Treasury in the Czech Republic

Photo from Process and Technological Readiness of Treasury in the Czech Republic

CAT and Advanced Risk Management, a Prague-based advisory and software company specialising in finance and financial risk management, have analysed the results of the recent Study of Process and Technological Readiness of Treasury in the Czech Republic.

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16 Sep 2021
EACT in Action: Fraud Prevention and the Role of Treasury

Photo from EACT in Action: Fraud Prevention and the Role of Treasury

On 14 September the EACT organised the second of its EACT in Action live event series, showcasing important issues that European treasurers are tackling.

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16 Sep 2021
VDT Summerschool Treasury® 2021

Photo from VDT Summerschool Treasury® 2021

Twelve students from universities throughout Germany and an Italian university attended the second VDT Summerschool Treasury® held at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt am Main from 8-14 August 2021.

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29 Jun 2021
To be or Not to be in? That’s the Question for Cross-Border Payments with the UK

Photo from To be or Not to be in? That’s the Question for Cross-Border Payments with the UK

Since the UK has remained part of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) scheme, some banks and corporates were not too worried about Brexit from a payments’ perspective - as the cheap and efficient handling of payments seemed guaranteed. However, some banks have seized the opportunity to increase fees for payments to and from the UK.

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25 Jun 2021
EACT Award 2021: And the Winner is...

Photo from EACT Award 2021: And the Winner is...

We are delighted to announce Deutsche Bahn as the winner of the 2021 EACT Award for the company's impressive Digital Treasury project. We'd like thank all participants for their entries.

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23 Jun 2021
Schuldschein: Helping SITA Rebuild the Airline Sector

Photo from Schuldschein: Helping SITA Rebuild the Airline Sector

When global air transport infrastructure provider SITA was seeking to extend its cash buffers, Germany’s Schuldschein market caught the eye of its Group Treasurer and Finance Director, Andrea Sottoriva. TMI talks to him about how issuing debt mid-pandemic has been a positive experience for all.

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23 Jun 2021
Beat Deadline Drama by Tackling the LIBOR Transition Today

Photo from Beat Deadline Drama by Tackling the LIBOR Transition Today

The end date for LIBOR is just months away. For those treasurers who haven’t acted already, now is the time to identify LIBOR exposures, have a contingency plan for accidental oversights, and understand the different challenges presented by the new market risk-free rates.

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22 Jun 2021
Crisis Coping Strategies

Photo from Crisis Coping Strategies

Treasurers are dealing with stress like never before, perhaps, but then they were always used to being put under pressure, surely, and should be able to cope fine with a bit of lockdown, right?

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22 Jun 2021
Problem of the Cross-Border Local Currency Payment Execution in Some “Exotic” Countries

Photo from Problem of the Cross-Border Local Currency Payment Execution in Some “Exotic” Countries

For corporate treasurers transferring money in local currency in more 'exotic' territories can be a real issue. Even large global banks are unable to serve you properly in some of these faraway countries. Therefore, what are the solutions?

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04 Mar 2021
Flying Start: Taming SITA’s Vast and Complex Payments Set-up

Photo from Flying Start: Taming SITA’s Vast and Complex Payments Set-up

Determined to bring order to its payments infrastructure, SITA called upon Unifiedpost, and its cloud-based PowertoPay corporate payments hub, for help.

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02 Mar 2021
EACT Treasury Roundtable with Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) on use of the LEI in Treasury

Photo from EACT Treasury Roundtable with Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) on use of the LEI in Treasury

On 4 February the EACT and the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) hosted a roundtable with a number of senior corporate treasury representatives to discuss how the LEI and the global system it is embedded in can simplify, secure, and digitise processes across treasury departments.

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02 Mar 2021
Does a Health Crisis Have an Impact on Treasury Technology?

Photo from Does a Health Crisis Have an Impact on Treasury Technology?

The fundamental changes businesses are facing have inevitably impacted the way treasury is managed. Has the current health crisis had an impact on treasury technologies and the digital transformation of organisations?

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02 Mar 2021
Regulatory Round-up with the EACT

Photo from Regulatory Round-up with the EACT

With the current European Parliament’s term running from 2019 to 2024, now is a good time to cast an eye over what is and what will be in terms of financial market regulations.

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14 Dec 2020
From Bitcoin to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Photo from From Bitcoin to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

In recent months, we have seen the first steps of concerted moves towards CBDCs. This change of attitude is welcome as it complements other private and public initiatives in the world of payments which is innovating at a greater pace than ever.

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14 Dec 2020
EACT Award 2021

The EACT is delighted to launch the second edition of the EACT award. Each of our 23 national treasury associations members can nominate one outstanding treasury project from within their membership for this award. A jury will shortlist nominees, with Treasurers voting to designate the winner in June 2021.

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18 Nov 2020
Stronger FX Hedging Strategies: a Pandemic Game-changer

Photo from Stronger FX Hedging Strategies: a Pandemic Game-changer

As the pandemic continues to throw markets into confusion, forcing corporates to battle against unprecedented volatility, treasury functions have an opportunity, albeit uninvited, to prove their strategic value – especially in relation to FX risk management.

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13 Nov 2020
General Trends in TMS Solutions

Photo from General Trends in TMS Solutions

TMS’s have evolved over time and especially in the last couple of years with a huge leap in technologies. Treasurers are investigating how TMS can help in further modernising the finance function in the coming years.

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13 Nov 2020
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Preventing Payment Fraud

Photo from A Multidisciplinary Approach to Preventing Payment Fraud

An escalation in fraud and cybercrime activities has been observed in recent months, as cyber attackers have been able to make use of the weaknesses caused by the current health crisis.

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13 Nov 2020
Return on Purpose

Photo from Return on Purpose

During the pandemic we have increasingly heard how important it is that companies consider their corporate purpose. Typically, this results in a series of nebulous and hard to define concepts, created by marketing and consultancy firms. Return on Purpose looks at a variety of activities that a company undertakes and identifies individual RoIs for each of them to come up with an overall holistic view.

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13 Nov 2020
Libor transition – What to Expect from Regulators in the EU

Photo from Libor transition – What to Expect from Regulators in the EU

Preparing for the definitive end of Libor has been on the mind of policymakers and industry alike for years and we are now entering the final stretch leading up to the definitive cessation of Libor on 31 December 2021 for most currencies in most tenors.

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12 Nov 2020
An Interview with Jean-Marc Servat, Chair, European Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Photo from An Interview with Jean-Marc Servat, Chair, European Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Jean Marc-Servat discusses his role as chairperson for the EACT, the topics on the association's current agenda, and the requirement for treasurers to be tech-savvy in today's economic climate.

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11 Nov 2020
The 2020 VDT Innovation Award in Cash Management

Photo from The 2020 VDT Innovation Award in Cash Management

In 2019, the Cash & Liquidity working group of the VDT organised a professional scouting of FinTechs via the FintechQuartier in Frankfurt with the event "Treasury meets Fintechs". This generated the idea of offering a new platform where optimisation and digitisation projects could be presented to the treasury community, true to the spirit of “from treasurers, for treasurers".

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24 Sep 2020
News from the VDT

Photo from News from the VDT

The VDT launched the working group in June to deals with the adaptation of internal and external processes to the digital treasury world. They share some of their findings so far.

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24 Sep 2020
Communicating in a Virtual World

Photo from Communicating in a Virtual World

COVID-19 has certainly impacted the way we communicate from a technical or logistical perspective – I think we’d all agree with that! It has also perhaps raised our awareness around the importance of communications, on a number of different levels.

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23 Sep 2020
Central Bank Digital Currencies - What is all the fuss?

Photo from Central Bank Digital Currencies - What is all the fuss?

12 months ago, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) were the topic of think tanks and obscure magazines. These days, not a month goes by without a new headline in the more popular press.

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22 Sep 2020
Payment Factories - More Up-to-Date Than Ever!

Photo from Payment Factories - More Up-to-Date Than Ever!

From March to May 2020 the VDT conducted a survey on Payment Factories. The trigger for the survey were the numerous regulatory changes that have had a strong impact on the processing and optimization opportunities in payment processes.

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22 Sep 2020
Tax Issues Related to Financing and Cash in Times of Crisis

Photo from Tax Issues Related to Financing and Cash in Times of Crisis

The health crisis linked to the coronavirus epidemic has plunged all countries worldwide into the unknown. Paralyzing a large portion of the population and of companies, the health crisis subsequently gives way to a major economic crisis. Against this backdrop, companies first focused on liquidity. Indeed, with a sudden drop in sales, the cash flow generation slows down or even stops as companies are unable to slow down their cash outflows.

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22 Sep 2020
The Inevitable Move Towards Further Digitization: on the Road Again!

Photo from The Inevitable Move Towards Further Digitization: on the Road Again!

Different reasons, including the pandemic, are forcing all of us to revisit the finance organization as a whole and to move a step further towards digitization. This is a fantastic opportunity arises for those who will be ready to on-board new technologies and prepared for these changes and… challenges.

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22 Sep 2020
European Financial Regulation shifting into gear – what will it mean for corporates?

Photo from European Financial Regulation shifting into gear – what will it mean for corporates?

Following an initial period of reflection and public consultation, EU policymakers are now set to launch many of the set pieces of financial regulation for the current legislative mandate. At the same time, the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the economy has motivated policymakers to adjust a number of pieces of securities markets and prudential regulation to ease burdens on investment firms, banks, and companies.

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25 Jun 2020
Cash and Working Capital Management in the Corona crisis

Photo from Cash and Working Capital Management in the Corona crisis

This article deals with short-term measures to optimise working capital and liquidity management. The strengthening of the supply chain, a currently important measure for many companies, is illustrated by an example from the retail sector.

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24 Jun 2020
Intragroup Financial Transactions and the Latest OECD Guidelines: Forewarned is Forearmed

For several years, the treasury operations have often been framed in the transfer pricing policy. However, during current survival operations, cash requirements increase and exceptional intragroup cash transactions may take place.

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24 Jun 2020
Risk Matrix - Tools to Identify and Mitigate Risks

Photo from Risk Matrix - Tools to Identify and Mitigate Risks

Risk management in corporate treasury is more important than ever! It was and is essential to define risk areas and use scenarios to check what effects the current situation could have on the company to be prepared for appropriate measures.

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12 Jun 2020
Treasury Insights 2020 - Results of the EACT Survey

Photo from Treasury Insights 2020 - Results of the EACT Survey

200 treasury professionals from across Europe shared their thoughts on treasury’s role and priorities as part of the EACT survey. Although some survey participants responded to the survey before the official lockdown in their respective countries, many companies had already implemented measures such as stopping business travel and moving to home working.

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27 May 2020
Managing the Working Capital Gap

Photo from Managing the Working Capital Gap

Managing working capital is essential to every business under normal conditions, but even more so during a crisis.

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20 May 2020
EACT Award 2020: Revealing the Winner...

Photo from EACT Award 2020: Revealing the Winner...

We are delighted to announce JTI as the winner of the inaugural EACT Award for the company's innovative data science-led approach to cash flow forecasting. We'd like thank all participants for their entries.

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12 May 2020
FX Hedging in Volatile Markets

Photo from FX Hedging in Volatile Markets

In the fifth article in this special COVID-19 series, Journeys to Treasury partners consider the impact that the combination of constrained liquidity and FX volatility are having on the way that treasurers manage their FX risk.

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05 May 2020
Cash Flow Forecasting in Uncertain Times

Photo from Cash Flow Forecasting in Uncertain Times

At a time of crisis, senior management focus on cash flow forecasts has never been more acute.

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28 Apr 2020
Managing Liquidity at a Time of Crisis

Treasurers have stepped up to help restore certainty and confidence in their organisations, and position their organisations for a ‘new normal’ ahead. Taking rapid steps to maintain liquidity across the business has been central to these efforts.

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28 Apr 2020
Corona and its Effects

Photo from Corona and its Effects

The relevance of stringent processes, responsibilities or representation regulations becomes even more important in times of crisis. Verband Deutscher Treasurer present the findings of a working group.

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27 Apr 2020
Planning Liquidity Requirements during the Covid-19 crisis

Photo from Planning Liquidity Requirements during the Covid-19 crisis

During these extraordinary times, it is helpful to consider some of the approaches adopted by those working in banks, insurers and asset managers.

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27 Apr 2020
Treasury Community Events Summary - April 2020

Presenting a round-up of the very latest news from EACT and its member associations across Europe, including updates on the EACT Cyber Security survey and more.

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23 Apr 2020
Defence Against Fraud and Cyberattack

At a time of degraded operations and personal anxiety, organisations and individuals are at their most vulnerable, so how can treasurers protect their financial and data assets, and shield their employees, at such a challenging time?

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17 Apr 2020
Protecting Employees, Protecting the Business

Photo from Protecting Employees, Protecting the Business

As individuals and companies, we find ourselves in unprecedented circumstances that few, if any, could have foreseen. Business continuity plans have been triggered worldwide, but many of these plans did not anticipate the global reach of COVID-19, or the personal anxieties that we would all face.

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10 Apr 2020
Implementation of PSD2 in Germany - Centralised Cash Management Systems Continue to Exist

The rapid development of digitalisation, including in payments, required the definition of a framework within the European Union to establish a common basis for electronic payments

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01 Feb 2020
How are largest European companies managing their financial risks?

The “Handbook of Corporate Financial Risk Management” is primarily directed to Treasurers, CFOs and Risk managers at non-financial corporations and contains 43 real-life case studies, based on over 700 client projects over 14 years. The book covers both financial risk management and optimal capital structure as well as a range of other topics.

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01 Feb 2020
German eID Initiative

In November 2018, the Deutsche Bundesbank implemented a working group - that included the German Association of Corporate Treasurers (VDT) - with the target to analyse and to provide possible applications of eID in payment transactions and cash management. The report is now available.

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01 Feb 2020
European treasurers join forces on Instant Payments

Photo from European treasurers join forces on Instant Payments

At the 2019 EACT Summit, some participants developed the idea to join corporate treasurers across the EACT members for a discussion on Instant Payments. And in June 2019 it took place: the French Association of Corporate Treasurers (AFTE) hosted the exchange on Instant Payments in Paris.

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01 Feb 2020
Negative elements caused by rates below zero have largely supplanted positive ones

Photo from Negative elements caused by rates below zero have largely supplanted positive ones

The Central Bank of Sweden has decided to end the experience of negative interest rates. This raises the question, will other Central Banks dare to follow the Swedish?

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01 Feb 2020
Which EU policy initiatives could and should keep corporate treasurers awake at night in the coming two years?

Photo from Which EU policy initiatives could and should keep corporate treasurers awake at night in the coming two years?

EU policymakers are in the process of launching an ambitious reform agenda across almost all segments of the regulatory framework for financial services. With all of the inevitable touchpoints this will have for corporate treasurers, it will remain as crucial as ever for treasurers to be a part of the policy dialogue.

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01 Dec 2019
VDT Treasury Day and General Assembly

Photo from VDT Treasury Day and General Assembly

On Tuesday, November 12, 2019, around 150 VDT members attended the 2nd VDT Treasury Day to engage with a range of topics, covering everything from education and international regulation to technological developments.

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01 Dec 2019
Recession Ahead?!

Photo from Recession Ahead?!

On November 14 and 15, the Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT) organized its annual Treasury Fair. With an all-time high attendance of 650 participants and a closing masterclass by dr. Linda Yueh, Fellow in Economics at Oxford University and BBC broadcaster, the Fair was again a huge success.

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01 Dec 2019
What the new EU policy cycle for 2019-2024 will likely hold in store for financial services and corporate treasury

Photo from What the new EU policy cycle for 2019-2024 will likely hold in store for financial services and corporate treasury

The two legislative terms (2009-2019) since the financial crisis have seen policymakers, regulators, and supervisors alike focus on implementing a range of post-crisis financial stability reforms, with the objective of reducing market risk, shoring up resilience and addressing conduct risk in financial markets.

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28 Oct 2019
Changeover in the European Institutions paves way for a more politicised sense of continuity

The coming legislative cycle is likely going to be marked by this dichotomy of a more fractured and more politicised European Parliament on the one hand and a node of relative continuity and stability on the other hand in the European Commission.

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28 Oct 2019
New methodologies for the determination of EURIBOR and EONIA

On 20 September 2019, the EACT Board members attended a presentation on the EURIBOR and EONIA reforms, two critical benchmarks administered by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI). The presentation given by Petra De Deyne, Strategic Advisor at EMMI, focused on an overview of the ongoing reforms. EMMI proposes a glance at how far the reforms currently stand.

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28 Oct 2019
EACT celebrates the 25th anniversary of ATEL

Photo from EACT celebrates the 25th anniversary of ATEL

The EACT administrators spent three very busy days from 19 to 21 September 2019 in Luxembourg, with the annual conference of ATEL (the Luxembourg association of corporate treasurers), a visit to several financial institutions (including Luxembourg for finance and the European Investment Bank), and the board meeting of directors of EACT.

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28 Oct 2019
Cashing in on Trends in Brno: The 8th CEE Treasury Forum

Photo from Cashing in on Trends in Brno: The 8th CEE Treasury Forum

More than 100 delegates from seven countries gathered to share experiences at this year’s CEE Treasury Forum held in Brno, Czech Republic, from 3 October to 5 October.

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28 Oct 2019
EMIR Refit: how to get benefit from the intercompany reporting exemption?

When EMIR Refit was approved and adopted, the major improvement was the exemption for reporting intercompany derivatives. When two entities belonging to the same group or having similar parent company, out of which at least one is an “NFC” (i.e. Non-Financial Company), they are not obliged anymore to report intragroup derivative transactions.

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18 Jun 2019
From "pen friendship" to "online dating": Account management in transition

Photo from From "pen friendship" to "online dating": Account management in transition

The first symposium of the association of German Treasurer e.V. in 2019 took place on 9 April in Düsseldorf. Almost 100 members gathered at the DUS conference Centre to discuss bank account management.

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18 Jun 2019
"The Trojan War will not happen"

Photo from "The Trojan War will not happen"

What if the trade war between China and the United States of America turned into a cold war? Should we be concerned about the rise of China power or simply see it as a natural, peaceful and inevitable evolution or a change that is part of the history and a matter of time?

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18 Jun 2019
European Parliament elections deliver a fractured political centre

Citizens across Europe elected a new European Parliament (EP) at the end of May with an unprecedented number of new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) having assumed office in the past weeks. For the first time, the big centre-left (S&D) and centre-right (EPP) blocs no longer have a working majority between the two of them.

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29 Apr 2019
European Parliament election to significantly alter dynamics during the next legislative mandate

Overall, the make-up of the next EP is likely to be very different to the current chamber, with more fragmentation likely to require more cooperation – and horse-trading in policymaking – between the main pro-European forces in the EP – the centre-left, the centre-right, the Liberals, the Greens – in order to secure stable majorities.

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29 Apr 2019
Cybersecurity is about risk assessment

Ensuring cyber-risk is part of a necessary approach to risk prevention and regulatory compliance. It follows a classic risk management cycle and is supported by various open source tools. Find out how treasurers can better monitor and manage these risks.

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29 Apr 2019
Evolution, trading and security issues about cryptocurrencies on the Czech financial market

Photo from Evolution, trading and security issues about cryptocurrencies on the Czech financial market

Digital currency does not have the official currency status according to the Czech legislation. Based on the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, Bitcoins should be registered as stocks of their kind. Despite this legislative view, the Czech Republic belongs to the group of countries where payments through cryptocurrencies are being utilised the most.

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