Treasurers: Reconciling Innovation and Resilience

After a record attendance to the 2023 AFTE days, AFTE expect over 1,800 attendees to the upcoming edition that will take place on 25 and 26 November. For 2024, AFTE thought big and chose a new, larger venue at the CNIT Paris La Défense.

This 2024 edition is based on two pillars: innovation and resilience. The programme, as always designed by corporate treasurers, addresses the major topics of today and tomorrow, such as integration of artificial intelligence, cash flow forecasting, digitalization and risk management. Banks, fintechs and consultants that support treasurers agility will also be present as usual.

Innovative yet prudent, treasurers know that security and risk management are essential in a fast-paced and volatile environment. Risk prevention, decarbonisation of the value chain, sustainable finance and CSRD regulation will therefore be on the agenda of the AFTE Days throughout 20+ plenary sessions and workshops gathering more than 100 speakers.

Keynote speakers Jean-Laurent Bonnafé (CEO of BNP Paribas) and Christel Heydemann (CEO of Orange) will share their strategic vision while Valérie Masson-Delmotte will explore the links between finance and climate. François-Xavier Demaison, for his part, will humorously remind us that we can be serious people without taking ourselves too seriously.

Finally, as every year, AFTE will award its prizes for the best research papers in finance and treasury and will announce and celebrate the winners of the AFTE Awards.

Faster, higher, stronger: as for the Olympics, this is our ambition for these AFTE 2024 days!


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International Treasury Leaders: Biographical Interview with Francois Masquelier, ATEL President & EACT Chair

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Reflections on Copenhagen: Treasury Learnings from SAF and CAT

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