European treasurers join forces on Instant Payments

At the 2019 EACT Summit, some participants developed the idea to join corporate treasurers across the EACT members for a discussion on Instant Payments. And in June 2019 it took place: the French Association of Corporate Treasurers (AFTE) hosted the exchange on Instant Payments in Paris.

Under the broad title “Evolution of Instant Payment and implementation in the BtoB and BtoC worlds” the subject was taken from an introduction, set in context of the omni channel approach in BtoC and thorough information of European initiatives started by retailers, banks, vendors associated with corporates. The first session included keynote speakers from across Europe – e.g. from large corporates as IKEA, consultants as well as delegates from national associations, such as the German Association (Verband Deutscher Treasurer - VDT). The feedback from the audience was very positive as participants appreciated that this event offered high quality contents and an opportunity for them to learn, progress, share experiences and network!

Gregoire Toussaint (Edgar, Dunn & Company), Didier Cocheteau (Deloitte), Axel Schaefer (IKEA), Mario Reichel (PPI), Armelle Poulou (EDF) provided the input for the lively discussion of the new payment scheme that may even become the “new normal” for credit transfers if the discussed barriers and constraints (amount limit, corporate interfaces to initiate, notification services to work on incoming payments, 24/7 issues in systems, personnel and processes) in the context of several use cases are solved by common efforts of all stakeholders.

The event location at OpenMind Kfé Cléry indeed made a difference: the attendants felt more comfortable and at ease to exchanges, compared with traditional conference rooms. Merci beaucoup to the AFTE team in Paris making this happen.

The feedback to the event shows that it is highly appreciated when corporate treasurers are given opportunities to exchange on joint topics across borders. The EACT invites and encourages you to express / bring up ideas you would like to discuss with your EU fellow treasurers! Please contact the EACT or your national treasury association.


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