At the end of October around 260 members and guests joined in the Palmengarten in Frankfurt to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Association of German Corporate Treasurers e.V. (VDT), a founding members of the EACT. The day included a key note speech, the annual general meeting and a celebration dinner with several highlights.
Professor Dr. Volker Wieland, former member of the German Council of Experts for the Assessment of Macroeconomic Development, gave the key note speech titled "Monetary and exchange rate policy under pressure: war, energy crisis and inflation." He focused on three developments that are influencing the current monetary policy:
The key note was followed by an on stage interview between Professor Wieland and Professor Dr. Heinrich Degenhart, VDT Board member.
The 25th annual general meeting covered recurring items such as reports from the expert groups, the VDT Board and the Supervisory Board. As the key topic for this annual meeting, the members were called upon to decide on a major change to the organizational structure of the VDT and subsequent amendments to the articles of association. Members of the Supervisory Board, Board and the Head of the VDT Office outlined the key contents as well as the objectives of the proposed resolution: "The Association of German Corporate Treasurers e.V. will be given a modern and future-oriented organizational structure for its further development. The aim of the new structure is to enable the rapidly growing association at all levels to meet current and future requirements in a timely manner - in terms of content, organization and operations." The proposed organizational structure and amendments to the articles of association were accepted by an overwhelming majority of the members present.
Subsequent to the approval on the future organizational structure, the Execuitve Committe was elected. The members are Prof. Dr. Heinrich Degenhart, Andreas Sowa, Regina Deisemann, Carsten Linker and Gregor Stephan. In its constitutive meeting, the Executive Committee in turn appointed Tim Staudt as executive Board member (full-time), Professor Dr. Christian Debus and Professor Dr. Franziska Kahla asas deputy and honorary Board members.
After completion annual general meeting, the festive part of the day started with the history of the association impressively being visualized live by a sand artist. Jochen Schwabe, initiator and honorary member, outlined the history of the association in the journey descripton "VDT idea - from Atlanta, via Vienna, to Frankfurt and Limburg“ with numerous references artistic impressions just seen. Dr. Jochen Stich, founding member of the VDT, together with early companions and current honorary members shared insights in a discussion on the topic "Doing is like wanting, only cooler: What does the future of treasury look like from a diagnostic distance?".
The final highlight of the evening was the performance of the Flying Light, which transformed the Palmengarten event location into a colorful sea of lights, creating a festive atmosphere for members and guests to exchange and network until late in the evening.
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