The vision, mission and ambition for creating a Treasury community dedicated to the Greek Treasury professionals and the foundation of the Hellenic Association of Treasurers.
The newly formed Hellenic Association of Treasurers (HAT) will soon celebrate its first anniversary since its founding by five Greek Treasury professionals. The board of directors was appointed: Alexandros Koliavras, ING, Dimitrios Chasapopoulos, ING, Chariton Papatriantafyllou, ING, Alexandros Bellos, PVH, and Aris Nafpaktitis, Philips, - and Marianna Polykrati, Chipita, was subsequently onboarded.
HAT has been serving as the 24th national treasury association within the European community of EACT since late June. The association currently brings together an inclusive and diverse member base of approximately 80 members from nine countries, and will organise the first HAT Treasury Summit on December 10 2021 in Athens, Greece.
HAT President Alexandros Koliavras explains: “The association is operating under a hybrid model that includes Greek treasurers from across the world. This way of working is empowering us in establishing a brain gain for Greece. The sheer enthusiasm for the treasury profession is what truly unites us! Our success story is solely based on our committee and working group members, who respectively, are supporting us with the day-to-day administration of the association and the technical dialogues across different focus areas.”
Koliavras continues: “In post-crisis Greece, we see our members playing a pivotal role in rapidly transforming the treasury function by employing cutting-edge technology and first-class know-how. Undoubtedly, HAT aims to leverage on this knowledge, share the benefits with all members and ensure that the role of the treasurer is further empowered both in business and society,”
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By Hellenic Association of Treasurers (HAT)
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