Mid March 2020, the German Association of Corporate Treasurers (VDT e.V.) launched a collaboration space for its members: the "VDT Treasury Discussion Forum".
The platform has been developed and implemented to enable and intensify the exchange among the VDT members. It is aiming at an open exchange of knowledge and experiences between members and to use the benefits the digital transformation in the association's operation. Members are invited to share their experiences, to submit questions, to discuss regulatory issues, to seek advice from colleagues on specific treasury operational questions or for surveys.
The collaboration space is available online in the member section (MyVDT) and is free of charge to members. The platform is easy to use, a brief user description is available, and the office team is available for more specific questions.
If you would like to learn more about "VDT Treasury Discussion Forum", please do not hesitate to contact the VDT office team at service@vdtev.de
First of all, thank you to all members who have participated in and given input to the EACT Cyber Security Survey, your contributions are very much appreciated. The highest interest Treasurers voiced is: “Best Practice and Experience Sharing” - not really a surprise to most of us.
From an ex-post point of view this survey may not have been launched at the best point in time. We do understand that there are more urgent and prevailing topics on your desks given the current environment. Nonetheless, also in this context, the cyber security topics are very much in focus. We would like to reach out to the EACT members once more to request your support for this survey. It really does not tie up more than 10 minutes of your time, is easy to fill in, and your free text expectations at the end of the survey would be appreciated.
Click here to submit your responses
The survey will be open until end of May, results will be published in Q3-2020. Please feel free to share the Survey Link with colleagues.
Thank you for your support - and keep safe!
Maria Bavelaar, Hajar Diouri, Cornelia Hesse, Petr Jablonski and Tarek Tranberg
The EACT and its members have the opportunity to dialogue with the team at the European Commission leading the review of the EU Benchmarks regulation on aspects related to the use of non-EU FX rates and on IBOR transition.
If you are interested in participating and contributing to the discussion please indicate this by e-mail to Tarek Tranberg, Head of Public Affairs & Policy at EACT (tarek.tranberg@eact.eu).
End of April, the Financial Stability Board launched a consultation on effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery. It is also inquiring about any potentially lessons learnt from Covid-19. In particular, the FSB is seeking feedback on its toolkit of 46 measures/practices for effective cyber security and resilience practices, which are included in detail in the consultation document.
The consultative document is available here.
It is open for feedback until 20 July 2020.
The document leads off with a number of specific questions across seven categories of cyber resilience and incident reporting that firms are invited to provide feedback on, specific to their organisations. The questions are listed on pages 3-5, as of page 7 the sub elements of the toolkit are explained.
This is a good opportunity for the EACT and its members to be a part of a consultation relating to key topics for non-financial corporates at an early stage, with companies’ feedback being highly appreciated by the FSB. We are also considering ways in which we can provide feedback to the FSB on our cyber security survey, which remains open for participation
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