Green Paper on Long-term Financing of the European Economy

The EACT has submitted its response to the European Commission's consultation on the long-term financing of the European economy. The response underlines some essential elements of financial regulation that we feel the legislator should consider in all current and future actions and policies in order to make Europe a competitive and appealing place to both conduct and grow business. We argue that legislators should ensure there is coherence between different legislative acts and policy goals; and systematically take into account and assess the impact of any financial services legislative proposal on non-financial companies. Non-financial companies should not be deemed to be the same as financial companies when financial regulation is being developed. We also call on the legislator to recognise the need for balance between making the banking system stable through prudential requirements and lending to the economy. 

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Results of the EACT Treasury Survey 2024

This year, we received circa 250 answers from Group Treasurers of the largest international companies across Europe. We are delighted to share the results with you.

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Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Survey

The Italian association (AITI) are pleased to share a survey on sustainable supply chain finance. All EACT members are invited to take part.

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A Message from the EACT Board

The EACT Board would like to personally thank all our delegates and sponsors in attendance at last week's EACT Summit.

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2024 EACT Award Winners Announced!

EACT representatives were delighted to announce the three winners of this year's EACT Award during a ceremony at the recent Summit in Brussels.

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RedCompass Labs Sponsors the 2024 European Instant Payments Survey

EACT is proud to partner with RedCompass Labs to sponsor the 2024 European Instant Payments Survey.

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