HAT, the Hellenic Association of Treasurers, is the leading professional association for Greek Treasury professionals in Greece and abroad as well as professionals interested in the Greek Treasury news and market developments. The Association has 350 members from 23 countries who work in multinationals, large and medium-sized enterprises as well as the government and other European organisations.
Affiliates: Students registered in an academic program relevant to Finance.
Associates: Starting stage for members. Employed in a Treasury-related department.
Fellows: Board, Committee and Working Group members.
Honorary: Members with extensive experience in the Treasury field and significant contribution to the development of the Association.
Professionals: Full membership with no voting rights and participation in events. Members include External client facing bankers, external advisors / consultants, vendors, magazines, recruiters etc. HAT members with double work nature meaning being Treasurers in a corporate or in a bank and at the same time consultants are classified only as consultants and therefore classified as professionals with no voting rights
Date of association formation: December 2020
Date association joined EACT: 2021
Association Addresses
Willy Sluiterstraat 106, 1061TE, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Willy Sluiterstraat 106,